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명말 청초 여성 시인의 자화상 연구
중국어문학지 vol. 63 179-204(26pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003748292

There were many female poets in early Qing and lately Ming. Among their poems, I will take a look at the things that sing self-portrait. I chose “Xu Yuan(徐媛)”, “Wang Duan Shu(王端淑)”, “Gu Ruo Po(顧若璞)”, “Li Yin(李因)” who have an abundant number of works and whose writing styles are various. However, in ancient china, there weren’t enough of poems to call self-portraits and for women, things were worse. That is why in this article I took the broad concept of self-portrait. The most commonly used ways in which Female poets expressed themselves are “代言體(speak in another’s name)” and to disguise as male poet. However, in special case, they would sing in their true forms as female poets, not purposely hiding their gender, especially when they caught disease or grew old. Through this article I found that in traditional china, it was not easy to express oneself as a female poet, but although it is, they consistently tried to show themselves. I also looked into their main ways and found that disease and old age are very important factors in creation of female poetry.

1. 서론
2. 자아의 발견
3. 각성의 계기
4. 결론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]