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니카라과와 콜롬비아의 영토 및 해양 경계 분쟁 연구: 역사적 전개와 시사점을 중심으로
A Study on Territorial and Maritime Boundary Dispute between Nicaragua and Colombia: Historical Development and Implications
박윤주 ( Park Yunjoo ) , 이상현 ( Yi Sanghyun )
스페인어문학 vol. 87 167-190(24pages)
DOI 10.21811/EH.87.167
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-800-003755161

This study analyzes the territorial and maritime dispute between Nicaragua and Colombia. The long dispute between two countries resulted in a trial at the International Court of Justice. The final verdict from the International Court of Justice created more tension between Colombia and Nicaragua due to the fact that Colombia did not accept the end result from the ICJ while Nicaragua welcomed it. By analyzing the case of territorial conflict between Nicaragua and Colombia, this study indicates that Latin American particularity of territorial conflicts, the small likelihood of full-scale war, derives not only from the fact that the conflict area contains natural resources or is of the strategical importance of the region but also from the fact that persistent historical dispute of boundaries provides incentives to the conflicts. In addition, this study offers a valuable lesson to Korean society regarding its on-going conflict over Dok-do with Japan.

1. 들어가는 말
2. 라틴아메리카 영토 분쟁의 특성
3. 니카라과-콜롬비아 영토 분쟁의 역사적 전개
4. 2012년 국제사법재판소 판결의 의미와 영향
5. 니카라과와 콜롬비아의 영토 및 해양 경계 분쟁의 함의와 시사점
6. 나가는 말
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]