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Introduction of Sample Processing System for Preventing Errors
( Hee-kyoung Choo ) , ( Jung-soo Moon ) , ( Myoung-keun Lee ) , ( Eun-jee Kim ) , ( Jong-won Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-004250155
This article is 4 pages or less.
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Background: Molecular genetic testing uses extracted nucleic acids which from blood, urine, tissue, feces, and various body fluids. In this extraction process, errors are occurred frequently due to wrong matching between original samples and extracted nucleic acid. Our laboratory introduced 2D barcode system and new HIS (Hospital Information System) called DARWIN to prevent clerical errors. Methods: 2D Barcode system is composed of barcode tube, rack, perception rack reader, scope USB singletube reader and Intellicode software by FLUIDX company. DARWIN system is used for overall sample processing. Results: Manual sample verification steps are substitute to electronic confirmation. In this step, errors were reduced effectively. 2D barcode containers were directly used to sample output rack instead of 96 well type plate which need to be tranfered. It can save time and prevent error. 2D barcode system was imposed on test for sample check, interface systems and reporting results. Conclusion: Improvement of sample check process has made it possible to using DARWIN system effectively. Replacement of tube can reduce overall storage spacet. 2D barcode system with a new HIS called DARWIN may help to reduce errors through all steps in this laboratory. And we expect that error-free laboratory through this system.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]