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KCI 등재
Preparation of Water-Soluble Chitosan and Aloe vera Mucilage and Their Use for Assembly of Polyelectrolyte Complexes
( Adriana M. Rangel-rodriguez ) , ( J. Adriana Sañudo-barajas ) , ( Nagamani Balagurusamy ) , ( Louise Wicker ) , ( Rosabel Velez-de-la-rocha ) , ( Juan Carlos Contreras-esquivel )
DOI 10.17642/jcc.23.2.1
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-400-004244743

In this work, the preparation and characterization of water-soluble polysaccharides from chitosan and Aloe vera was studied. The water-soluble polysaccharides were used to study polyelectrolyte complexes. The reaction time effect for chitosan hydrolysis by endo-chitosanase was studied at 40ºC and pH 5.00 to produce water soluble chitosan (WSCh). The physico-chemical characteristics of chitosan hydrolysates, water-soluble A. vera polysaccharides and polyelectrolyte complexes were determined. After 3 h of chitosan processing, a viscosity reduction of 90%, while only 2.3% of reducing sugars were released. A WSCh was recover by ultrafiltration (1 kDa) from chitosan hydrolysate after 12 h and was spray-dried with a yield of 9.7%. Cold-water extraction of A. vera mucilage from pulp gives a crude polysaccharide yield of 0.81 g/kg (wet basis) based on whole leaf weight. The water isolated mucilage is composed of a mixture of protein and mannan rich-polysaccharide. The results show WSCh’s association capacity with A. vera mucilage by electrostatic interaction.

Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]