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자동차 전장품의 환경시험규격에 관한 연구
Environmental Test Specifications for Automotive Electrical Units
김용수 ( Kim Yong Soo )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-300-003988023

Purpose: Using international specifications, this study classified international standards and automobile manufacturers’ test items based on the kind of test used and determined the test order for ISO 16750. Methods: The effects of international standards’ environmental factors were examined, based on the major impacts of the product and the results of product failure. Automobile manufacturers’ test items were compared with the test item in the ISO 16750. A generic algorithm was then used to determine the test sequence for ISO 16750. Results: International standards and automobile manufacturers’ common test items were classified. The test sequence of ISO 16750 was determined for five cases. Conclusion: Although mechanical and environmental tests share many common features, there are differences in the details of the tests. There is a common sequence of tests, but weights are allocated tests differently.

1. 서 론
2. 관련 문헌연구
3. 환경시험 규격 및 표준 연구
4. ISO 16750 표준의 시험 순서 최적화
5. 결 론
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]