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The influence of information technology on establishing customer relationship management in Iran’s digital banking
( Ali Tajdin ) , ( Babak Shirazi )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-300-004199044
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 구매가 불가능한 자료입니다.

Investing on IT is one of the involved subjects in all organizations, especially banks. IT has a key role in organizations business, and on the other hand customer relationship management (CRM) focuses on customer data, and applying IT will facilitate its career. The CRM is a modern and developed tool for data analysis from customer data and in fact we can say that IT is a necessary and essential element in CRM. So we deal with the study of influence of IT on establishing customer relationship management. The studied statistical universe of the paper equals 400 persons that based on Morgan table. 198 persons have been computed as statistical sample, and finally we deal with and analyze research hypothesis by suitable statistical tests. In this research we have concluded that the benefit obtained from IT has significant effect on establishing customer relationship management in bank. Finally, we have presented suggestion to improve the level of applying software of CRM in bank.

1. Introduction
2. Research methodology
3. Discussion and conclusion
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]