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Enhanced power conversion efficiency of ZnO-based solar cells by increasing amount of dye adsorption using electrophoretic method
박성주 , 백건욱 , 류경범 , 황태원 , 이상주 , 한윤수
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003813670
This article is 4 pages or less.
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Zinc oxide (ZnO) has a band gap energy of 3.3 eV, which is similar to that of TiO2 used as a n-type semiconductor in solar cells, and has higher electron mobility than TiO2. Thus, ZnO film can act as the n-type semiconductor in solar cells. However, ZnO-based solar cells suffer from low power conversion efficiency, because Zn2+/dye complex is formed during prolonged sensitization process. The complex could hinder electron injection from excited dye to ZnO. In this study, electrophoretic technique was applied to increase dye-loading amount in a short sensitization time. The dye-loading amount by electrophoretic method for 20 min was increased by 2.18x10-5mol/㎤, compared to that (1.56x10-5mol/㎤) by conventional soaking process for the same time. This led to an increase in power conversion efficiency of ZnO-based solar cells.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]