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LMPET/PET 시스-코어 부직포의 온도에 따른 접착특성 및 물성 변화에 관한 연구
Effect of Bonding Temperature on the Adhesion Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of Non-woven LMPET/PET
최세진 ( Sejin Choi ) , 임지환 ( Ji Hwan Lim ) , 김한성 ( Han Seong Kim )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003857645
* 발행 기관의 요청으로 구매가 불가능한 자료입니다.

In this study, a sheath-core, non-woven material composed of a low-meltingpoint polyester (LMPET) and regular PET was used as an adhesive layer and a regular PET textile was used as a surface layer for the unification of materials. Herein, we investigated the complex adhesion properties, caused by the structural deformation at different bonding temperatures, of a two-component non-woven material. It was confirmed that the structural deformation of the non-woven material was significantly changed near the bonding temperature of 180 °C due to the change in fluidity of the low-melting point component. The effects of the structural change on the properties, such as the induced shrinking and wrinkling as well as changes in the bonding strength and air permeability, of the sheath-core, non-woven material are discussed. In addition, it is expected that these results, including the compression characteristics, flexibility, and durability, may provide the possibility for the manufacturing of products that include this material.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]