The purpose of this study is to analyze the 3D measurement data of old-old women aged 70-85 and to characterize the whole body type and to formulate the whole body type of older women. The type of body shape of old-old women was analyzed in 5 types. The wide-shoulder slim-leg type was wide on the shoulders, thin on the legs, shoulder don't sag, height, body and leg's length were normal. The short-body sag-hip type was the shape with lowered hip, short length of legs and center front, and normal body shape. The apple-hip fat type's body was fat and thick. And this type had normal height and legs. The sag-shoulder thin type was thin and hip was not sagged, but the shoulders were much sagged. The long arm and leg slim type was tall, legs were long. Shoulders were narrow and body was slim. The old-old women had almost no difference in bust and waist circumference. Their abdomen circumference was larger than the chest and hip circumference. According to the general dimensioning method applied when making a pattern for clothing, the shape of a garment was not produced. Therefore, new dimensioning and patterning methods should be applied to basic pattern making for old-old women's clothing.