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재유화형 분말수지와 고로 슬래그 미분말을 혼입한 폴리머 콘크리트의 압축강도 및 내산성
Compressive Strength and Acid-Resistant of Polymer Concrete Using Redispersible Polymer and Blast Furance Slag Powder
김인수 ( Kim In-su ) , 성찬용 ( Sung Chan-yong )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-004062760

This study was performed to evaluate the compressive strength and acid-resistant of polymer concrete using redispersible polymer powder(RPP) and blast furance slag powder(BSP). Material used were ordinary portlant cement, recycled coarse aggregate, natural fine aggregate, redispersible polymer powder and blast furnace slag powder. The main experimental variables were the substitution ratio of redispersible polymer powder and blast furnace slag powder, when the substiution ratios of RPP were 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6%, and those of BSP were 10%. The compressive strength and acid-resistant of polymer concrete using RPP and BSP were compared with those of ordinary concrete(Basis). When the substitution ratio of RPP was 1%, at age of 28 days, the compressive strength were more higher than those of Basis by 24%, and it was decreased with increasing the RPP content, respectively. Also, the water absorption ratio was decreased with increasing the RPP content. But, the acid-resistant was improved with increasing the RPP content.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]