Eco-friendly material and implementation methods have become important along with the existing standardized maintenance concept for the irrigation and flood control. However, the intrinsic function of the hydraulic structure is water supply and disaster prevention. Therefore, the material and work methods should be considered both eco-friendliness, durability and safety which are prerequisite elements to maintain the engineering function. In this study eco-friendly material and work methods would be classified into the vegetation based system, eco-friendly concrete system and stone-material system according to the characteristics of material. The quality standard for durability followed KS specification and related regulations. The quality standard for safety and eco-friendliness was set after literature review, and the database was developed using the standard.
The structure applicable to onsite - the eco-friendly material and work method were classified based on the function and material of the hydraulic structure. Finally, database has been established for convenient management and selection of the proper material and work method. The eco-friendly material and work method could be searched easily for the convenience of the users, and the web-based data system has been developed for continuous registration of the material and work methods to be developed in the future.