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KCI 등재
대규모 유역에서의 적정 용수이용량 산정
Optimal Estimation of Water Use in the Large-Scale Basin
류경식 ( Ryoo Kyong-sik ) , 황만하 ( Hwang Man-ha )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003771599

In general method to estimate the water supplies in the large-scale basin, indirect estimation method such as unit loading factor method has been used. However, the estimated water supplies are much different to the real water supplies used in the any basin because these general methods estimate them considering water supply demands only. Especially, water supplies for irrigation are big different to the real water supplies in which the water supplies for irrigation are depend on the weather conditions such as evaporation, basin conditions such as infiltration, the reservoir operation rule for irrigation water, and distribution methods. Thus, a new estimation method is developed to estimate the real water demands which is essential factors for the effective water resources operation in the basin. This method is for estimating the water supplies and return rates based on the survey of the irrigation reservoirs and the analysis of effects to the stream flows, return flows, and water supplies for irrigation which water supplies and return rates are used in the basin water management model. The water supply usages in each subbasin are validated by comparisons between the simulated discharges from the basin water management model and the discharges measured in the control points.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]