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Finite Element Analysis of the Reinforced Concrete Circular Ring Sector Plate Supported by Elastic Beam
조진구 ( Cho Jin Goo )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003770996

Although all the reinforced concrete circular ring sector plates are elastically supported, it is conventional to simplify their supporting conditions as fixed or simply-supported ones assuming that their supporting beam has infinite stiffness. However, in order to obtain a precise solution, it should be required to consider the stiffness of their supporting beam. As a methodological improvement to the precise analysis, "Reinforced Concrete Model" previously developed by the author was applied to the structural analysis of the reinforced concrete circular ring sector plates with elastically supported beam. The results of analysis in the cases under various conditions of open angle, steel ratio, relative stiffness(EI/DL) between plate and supporting beam were summarized as follows : 1. Although the effect of relative stiffness between plate and supporting beam varies depen-ding on the magnitude of open angle, in general, it shows the largest when not more than 5.0 and negligible when not less than 10.0. Therefore, it would be considered as fixed suppor-ting condition : in the case of its open angle of 0°(rectangular plates), its stiffness ratio being not less than 10.0 and in the other case of its open angle of 30°, its stiffness ratio being not less than 5.0. 2. In the rectangular plates, the effect of steel ratio is considerable in no supporting condi-tion, but neglible in the supporting condition. So, the effect of steel ratio should be negligible in the case of the elastically supported circular ring sector plates. 3. However, the effect of steel ratio is much more considerable in the case of the fixed supported circular plates, expecially, when steel ratio being not more than 1.0% and stiffness ratio being smaller. So, the effect of steel ratio should be considered in the analysis of reinforced concreate circular ring sector plates with fixed conditions. 4. The effect of open angle is greater in the case of without-supporting beam conditions. However, in the other case of with-supporting beam conditions, the effect is a little bit when open angle of not more than 30°and negligible when open angle of not more than 30°.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]