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중소유역(中小流域)의 일별(日別) 용수수급해석(用水需給解析)을 위한 하천강모형(河川綱模型)의 개발(開發)(I)-중소유역(中小流域)의 일유출량(日流出量) 지정(指定)-
A Streamflow Network Model for Daily Water Supply and Demands on Small Watershed(I) -Simulating Daily Streamflow from Small Watersheds-
허유만 ( Huh Yoo Man ) , 박승우 ( Park Seung Woo ) , 임상준 ( Im Sang Jun )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003770976

The Objectives of this paper were to develop a modified tank model that is capable of simulating daily streamflow from a small watershed using daily watershed evapotranspiration and to test the applicability of the model to different watersheds. Tank model was restructured to consist of three series of tanks, each of which may mathematically reflect watershed runoff mechanisms from different components of surface runoff, interflow, and baseflow. And pan evaporation was correlated to potential evapotranspiration estimated from a combina-tion method, and was multiplied by monthly crop and landuse coefficients, and watershed storage coefficient to estimate the watershed evapotranspiration losse. Ten watersheds were selected to calibrate model parameters that were defined using an optimization scheme, and the results were correlated with watershed parameters. Simulated daily runoff was compared to the observed ones from the tested watersheds. The simulating results were in good agreement with the observed values when optimal and calibrated parameters were used. Ungaged conditions were also applied to compare simulated values to the observed. And the results were in fair conditions for all the tested watersheds which differ considerably in their sizes, landuse types, and physiological features.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]