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리화학적(理化學的) 환경변수가 제지슬러지케이크의 조기부숙(早期腐熟)에 미치는 영향
The effect of Physico- Chemical Environmental Parameters on Early Composting of Paper-Mill Sludge Cakes
최홍림 ( Choi Hong Lim ) , 김현태 ( Kim Hyun Dae ) , 하호성 ( Ha Ho Sung ) , 정영륜 ( Chung Yong Ryun ) , 남상일 ( Nam Sang Il ) , 서형덕 ( Suh Hyeong Duk ) , 장원준 ( Chang Won Joon )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003770805

The paper manufactories in Sangpyeong Industrial Estates, Chinju, produce more than 80 tons of paper-mill sludge cakes every day, which costs about 840 million won for dump per year. Since the paper-mill sludge is biodegradable, the sludge can be utilized as an organic fertilizer if it is properly decomposed. This may lead to not only dramatic cut of the treatment cost but prevention from secondary environmental contamination due to dump. The primary objective of the study was to explore the quantitative range of major environmental parameters influencing early composting of paper-mill cakes, naturally pretreated in warn and cold weather. The automatically-controlled reactor was designed, manufactured, and operated for nine days to decompose about 220l of raw sludge cakes. Four tests(Test1~Test4) were implemented for the study of Phase I. Treatments of two levels of initial temperature(40℃ and 28℃) and two levels of water content+C/N ratio(35%+40 and 63%+80) were made to test the significance of their parameters for decomposition of raw sludge cakes pretreated in warm weather. Another four tests(Test5~Test8) were implemented for the Study of Phase II. Treatments of initial temperature and water content(W/C)+C/N ratio of raw sludge pretreated in cold weather were made to 16℃ and 13℃+58for Test5, 6℃ and 53%+55 for Test6,7℃ and 36%+81 for Test7, 31℃ and 30% +81 for Test8. Natural weater condition(pretreatment condition) revealed the importance in composting of the paper-mill sludge cakes. Combination of water content adjustment to about 30% with C/N ratio amendment of about 20 and initial temperature of 30~40℃ was concluded to be the best for early composting of paper-mill sludge cakes with aeration rate and pH fixed. Temperature and C/N ratio were adapted as judging variables for composting degree. In addition tests for microbial activity were performed to validate the experimental results. Since the tempera-ture and C/N ratio did not coincide in some tests as judging variables for the maturity of the composting sludges, taking one of these parameters could mislead the concept of the maturity (composting conceptually new criterion to provide more reliable information for early composting of paper-mill sludge cakes.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]