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지상인자(地上因子)에 의한 순간단위도(瞬間單位圖) 유도(誘導)와 유출량(流出量) 예측(豫測)
Derivation of the Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph and Estimation of the Direct Runoff by Using the Geomorphologic Parameters
천만복 ( Chun Man Bog ) , 서승덕 ( Suh Seung Duk )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003769971

The purpose of this study is to estimate the flood discharge and runoff volume at a stream by using geomorphologic parameters obtained from the topographic maps following the law of stream classification and ordering by Horton and Strahier. The present model is modified from Cheng's model which derives the geomorphologic instantaneous unit hydrograph. The present model uses the results of Laplace transformation and convolution intergral of probability density function of the travel time at each state. The stream flow velocity parameters are determined as a function of the rainfall intensity, and the effective rainfall is calculated by the SCS method. The total direct runoff volume until the time to peak is estimated by assuming a triangular hydrograph. The model is used to estimate the time to peak, the flood discharge, and the direct runoff at Andong, Imha. Geomchon, and Sunsan basin in the Nakdong River system. The results of the model application are as follows : 1. For each basin, as the rainfall intensity doubles form 1 mm/h to 2 mm/h with the same rainfall duration of 1 hour, the hydrographs show that the runoff volume doubles while the duration of the base flow and the time to peak are the same. This aggrees with the theory of the unit hydrograph. 2. Comparisions of the model predicted and observed values show that small relative errors of 0.44-7.4% of the flood discharge, and 1 hour difference in time to peak except the Geomchon basin which shows 10.32% and 2 hours respectively. 3. When the rainfall intensity is small, the error of flood discharge estimated by using this model is relatively large. The reason of this might be because of introducing the flood velocity concept in the stream flow velocity. 4. Total direct runoff volume until the time to peak estimated by using this model has small relative error comparing with the observed data. 5. The sensitivity analysis of velocity parameters to flood discharge shows that the flood discharge is sensitive to the velocity coefficient while it is insensitive to the ratio of arrival time of moving portion to that of storage portion of a stream and to the ratio of arrival time of stream to that of overland flow.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]