This study was performed to evaluate the strength and durability properties of recycled polymer concrete using unsaturated polyester resin and recycled aggregates. Unsaturated polyester resin, natural and recycled aggregates and fly ash were used. The mix proportions were determined to satisfy the requirement for the workability and slump according to aggregate sizes (5-10 and 5-25 mm) and unit binder contents (10 % and 12 %). Tests for the compressive and flexural strength, freezing and thawing and durability for 20 % sulfuric solution were performed. The compressive and flexural strength of recycled polymer concrete were in the range of 85~97 MPa and 17.9~20.8 MPa, respectively. The strengths of recycled polymer concrete using recycled aggregate have similar or slightly decreased compared to polymer concrete using natural aggregate. After 300 cycles of freezing and thawing, weight decrease ratio and durability factor of recycled polymer concrete were in the range of 0.13~1.42 % and 94~99, respectively.