The normal cement concrete is widely used material to build the construction recently, but it has a fault to increase the dead load on account of its unit weight is large compared with strength.
So, main purpose of this study was to establish the physical and mechanical properties of lightweight concrete using expanded polystyrene bead on fine aggregate and natural gravel, expanded clay and pumice stone on coarse aggregate.
The test rusults of this study are summarized as follows;
1. The water-cement ratio of concrete using pumice stone was larger than that of the concrete using natural gravel and expanded clay.
2. The unit weights of concrete using pumice stone and expanded caly were shown less than 1,000g/㎥.
3. The compressive strengths of all types were shown less than 60kg/㎠, tensile and bending strengths were shown less than 13kg/㎠ and 31kg/㎠, respectively.
4. The pulse velocity of concrete was shown similar with using natural gravel and pumice stone, and shown the lowest using pumice stone.
5. The dynamic modulus of elasticity of concrete was shown considerably smaller, and shown the lowest using pumice stone.
6. The static modulus of elasticity of concrete using expanded clay and pumice stone were shown considerably smaller, and shown 22%~29% as compared with the dynamic modulus of elasticity.
7. The stress-strain curves of concrete were shown similar, generally. And the curves were repeated at short intervals increase and decreased irregularly.