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농촌도로 노상토 재료의 공학적 특성과 CBR값의 관계 분석
Correlation Analysis Between Geotechnical Properties and CBR Values of Subgrade Materials in Rural Road Construction
송태균 ( Son Tae Gyun ) , 권무남 ( Kwon Moo Nam )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003768767

This study was conducted to evaluate the relationships between the geotechnical properties and the CBR values of the subgrade materials used in the rural roal construction. A total of 77 Soil samples was investigated and tested from 45 agricultural and industrial sites in Kyungpook Province. The results obtained are as follows : 1. The maximum dry densities of the coarse grained soils are larger than those of the fine grained soils. The optimum moisture contents of the coarse grained soils are smaller than those of the fine grained scils. 2. The mean values of the modified CBR values of the soils classified by the USCS, are decreased in the order of GP-GM, SW-SM, GM, SC, SP-SM, ML, CL-ML. And, those classified by the AASHTO are decreased in the order of A-i-a, A-i-b, A-2-4, A-3, A-4, A-6, A-7-6. 3. As passing percentage of No.200 sieve is increased, the CBR Value of soils is decreased gradually. 4. As the optimum moisture contents of the soil is increased, the CBR values is decresed the maximum dry density of the soils increased, the CBR values increased. 5. The CBR values are decreased as Group-Index(GI) are increased. And Activity(A) is showed no relation with the CBR values. 6. The relation ships between the modified CBR value and standand proctor compaction CBR value at 95% compaction ratio can he expressed as the following equation : Y(CERmod)=2.3638+0.8922X(CBR25).

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]