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중소유역의 수문학적 특성이 하천유사량에 미치는 영향
The Effects of Hydrologic Characteristics on Sediment Discharge in Streams with Small and Medium Size Watersheds
김활곤 ( Kim Hwal Gon ) , 서승덕 ( Suh Seung Duk )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003768656

The purpose of this study is to provide with information for the water resources development and management in stream management planning, such as information on the sediment trensport, design of dam and water facilities, river improvement and flood plains management. The major results obtained from the field measurement and analysis of the watershed characteristics, hydraulic and sediment characteristics are as follows ; 1. The rating curve formulas obtained from the analysis of the hydraulic characteristics data collected are ; Q=110.563 (H -0.474)2 for 0.7m2 for 0.4m12X2c, in the experimental watershed.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]