The aim of the work described in this paper is to develope a constitutive model for the prediction of an unsaturated clayey soil and to confirm the application of the model. To this end a series of suction controlled isotropic and triaxial compression tests are conducted on clayey soils.
Matric suction is controlled by the axis translation technique using high air entry ceramic disk. Total volume change, air and water volume changes are measured by the device made for the experiment. The specimens are compacted by dynamic compaction using a half of Proctor compaction energy with the water contents of 5% drier than the optimum moisture contents.
From test results, volume changes and deviator stresses are analyzed at each state and their relationships are formulated. And the application of the model to clayey soils is confirmed by the comparison between test and predicted results.
During drying-wetting and loading-unloading processes for isotropic states, the agreement between predicted and test results are satisfactory. And predicted deviator stresses are well agreed with the test results in shearing process, but volumetric strain is not well agreed with the test results in high suctions.