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토목섬유(土木纖維)로 보강(補强)한 軟弱地盤의 안정도(安定度) 해석(解析) : 모형실험(模型實驗)과 유한요소해석(有限要素解析)
Stability Analysis of Very Soft Soils Using Geotextiles : The Role of Model Test and Finite Element Analysis
고홍석 ( Goh Hong Seok ) , 고남영 ( Goh Nam Young )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003767275

To investigate the behaviour of the embankment on very soft foundation reinforced geotextiles, the laboratory model test in order to analyze the elementary effects of geotextile reinforcement and the finite element program analyzing the stresses and deformations characteristics was carried out. A two-dimensional nonlinear finite element program called GEOTEXT(a modification of ISBILD) for the static analysis of embankment on very soft foundation reinforced geotextiles has been developed. Both linear and nonlinear hyperbolic stress-strain soil models are included, and incremental and stage construction can be simulated. However, the program GEOTEXT is not developed herein as an adaptable design tool for practicing engineer. It was found that the geotextile reinforcement significantly reduced the shear stresses in the foundation and decreased the vertical differential settlements at the top of the embankment. This influence was more pronounced as the tensile strength of the geotextile was increased.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]