The purpose of this paper is a case study on the forms that the Deaf people temporarily create to express objects that do not exist in lexicalized signs in Korean Sign Language. Classifiers claimed to belong to the productive lexicon are sign formation devices that produce not only lexicalized signs but also new signs. Productive lexicon is a sign formation component that uses a classifier to make visual characteristics of objects a language symbol. In order to support this proposal, we first examined lexicalized signs listed the Korean Sign Language Dictionary. We have confirmed that three types of classifier handshape are used in formation of lexicalized signs. Next, we looked at the signs that the Deaf people made instantly to express objects and situations that did not have lexicalized signs. As with lexicalized signs, we observed that the visual characteristics of objects that do not exist in lexicalized signs are used to make new signs by using classifiers. Therefore, the classifier is the device forming the signs, and the productive lexicon is the sign formation component.