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영유아의 연령에 따른 보육교사의 모바일 알림장 의미연결망 분석
Semantic Network Analysis of Child-Care Teachers’ Mobile Notes at Different Young Children’s Ages
유연옥 ( Yu Younoak ) , 최윤지 ( Choi Yoon-ji )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-300-003926334

본 연구는 보육교사가 부모와 소통하기 위해 작성한 만1세, 만2세, 만3세의 알림장의 내용을 파악하고 그 의미를 분석하고자 하였다. 분석대상은 D시에 위치한 4개 어린이집의 만1세, 만2세, 만3세 각10명의 모바일 알림장을 2016년 3월 2일부터 2016년 9월 2일까지의 일화 각 1002편, 1023편, 521편을 수집하여 분석하였다. KrKwic과 UCINET 6을 이용해 빈도분석, 동시 출현빈도, 중심성 결속분석을 하고 네트워크를 가시화하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 빈도수는 만1세는 ‘놀이’, 만2세는 ‘친구’, 만3세는 ‘수업’이 가장 높게 나타났고, 동시 출현빈도는 만1세의 ‘간식’은 ‘점심’, ‘어머님’, ‘기분’, 만2세의 ‘놀이’는 ‘오늘’, ‘친구’ ‘활동’, 만3세의 ‘간식’은 ‘점심’, ‘친구’, ‘운동화’, ‘견학’이 높게 나타났다. 셋째, 중심성 결속분석은 만1세는 ‘간식’, ‘잠,’ ‘기분’, ‘점심’, ‘대변’, ‘기저귀’, 만2세는 ‘점심’, ‘활동’, ‘기분’, ‘잠,’ ‘간식’, ‘사진’, 만3세는 ‘친구’, ‘부탁’, ‘주말’ 등의 근접중심성이 동일하게 높게 나타났다. 이를 종합하면 연령별 특성에 따라 또래와의 상호작용, 놀이와 활동, 건강과 기본생활지도, 행사와 보육과정운영이 기록되어있었다. 본 연구결과를 통해 보육교사의 모바일 알림장이 효과적인 의사소통 도구임을 발견하고 보육현장에서 활용할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공하는데 의의가 있다.

The purpose of this study was to analyse the contents of child-care teachers' mobile note from 1-year-old to 3-year- old classes to inform their parents through semantic network analysis. For this purpose, the researcher collected at each age 10 mobile class notes in 4 child-care centers in D city, and analysed at each age 1002, 1023, 521 episodes from March 2 to september 2, 2016. Using KrKwic and UCINET 6 produced on the frequency of words, co-appeared keyword, centrality result and visualized. The results for this study were as follows. First, the word orders of highest frequency at the ages were as follows: Playing at the 1-year-old, friend at the 2-year-old, and class at the 3-year-old. Second, the main keyword order of higher frequency among a co-appeared keyword with ‘snack' was lunch, mother and condition from 1-year-old, 'playing' was today, friends and action from 2-year old, 'snack' was lunch, friends, gym shoes and field trip. Third, the keyword of highest closeness centrality was snack, nap state, condition, lunch, feces, diapers etc. from 1-year-old, lunch, action, condition, nap state, snack, photo etc. from 2-year-old, friends, requests, weekend from 3-year-old. In conclusion the characteristics of different young children’s age were recorded about interaction with peers, play and activities, health and basic lifestyle, event and are operation of child care process. The results of this study found the function of mobile class notes to effective communication tools and suggested meaningful basic materials to use class notes in the child-care field.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]