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연행록을 통해 본 청대(淸代) 지방수재(地方秀才) 제패련(齊佩蓮)의 생애와 조선사신(朝鮮使臣)과의 교유
A Study of the Qing's Local Scholar Qi, Pei-Lian's Biography and His Exchange with Joseon Envoys by Yeon Hang Rok
임유의 ( Lin Yu-yi )
어문연구 46권 1호 269-305(37pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-700-003695601

18세기말 19세기초 楡關 출신인 지방 수재 齊佩蓮은 1780년부터 1805년까지 조선 사절단이 의례적으로 지나가던 산해관 근처의 유관에서 조선 사신들을 맞이하여 필담과 교유를 청하였는데, 무려 20차례에 이른다. 본고는 먼저 연행록 기록을 통해 중국 문헌에서 보이지 않는 지방 수재 제패련의 생애를 재구성하고 조선 사신들과의 교유 경위 및 필담 내용을 고찰하겠다. 아울러 제패련과 조선 사신과의 교유를 두 가지 시각으로 살펴볼 것이다. 하나는 제패련의 입장에서 그가 조선 사신을 만난 이유를 (1)조선 문인에 대한 欽慕, (2)개인 문집을 위한 請序 및 評點, (3)스승 홍양호에 대한 敬仰, (4)한반도 특산품 청구 등 네 가지 주제로, 또 하나는 조선 사신의 입장에서 그들이 제패련을 만난 이유를 (1)중국 정치 현황과 중국 학술 현황에 대한 정보 수집, (2)조선 역대 인물에 대한 중국인의 평가, (3)필담을 통한 서로 한문 실력검증, (4)청나라 문인과의 가문 교유 계승 등 네 가지 주제로 나누어 분석해 보았다.

After Qing Dynasty ruling Mainland China, envoys around East Asian countries were assigned to pay tribute to the empire. They not only conducted diplomatic tasks, but also absorbed Qing Dynasty culture/technology and collected situation information of Qing and surrounded country, whereby the Chinese culture circle, which is Qing Dynasty oriented, were formed. The phenomenon of Chinese culture circle seems a one-way acceptance, i.e., from surrounded countries to Qing Dynasty, since the empire had the advantage on diplomacy and culture. However, from the book Yeon hang rok(Book of travel to Qing), written by Joseon envoys, the cases of the reverse-way acceptance, i.e., from Chinese local scholars' active interaction with Joseon envoys, are not rare, which is the topic that worth paying attention among the Chinese and Joseon interaction. Among those cases, Qi, Pei-Lian(齊佩蓮), the scholar born near Yu Pass (?關) in the late 18th century, interacted with Joseon envoys through conversation by brush talk and chanting poems on the route from Joseon to Qing empire for about 20 times. The scholar interacted with 28 Joseon scholars, including Bak, Je-Ga(朴齊家)、Lee, hae-Ung(李海應)、Hong, Yang-Ho (洪良浩), which is not common in the society where Chinese culture were considered superiority. Qi, Pei-Lian realized that those Joseon envoys own solid Chinese ability and held a critical position in the government. Therefore, it is worth to investigating on what is the motivation for Qi, Pei-Lian as he intended to interact with them and what is the motivation Joseon scholars interact with Qi, Pei-Lian. In this study, we analyzed the background and meaning for the interaction between Chinese local scholars and Joseon envoys, and found out the purpose Qi, Pei-Lian interacted with Joseon envoys: 1). Admiration for the Joseon scholars, 2). Admiration for his teacher Hong, Yang-Ho(洪良浩), 3). Ask for comments to his literary collection, 4). Ask for the local specialities of Joseon. In the other way, the purpose Joseon envoys interacted with Qi, Pei-Lian could be 1). For the intelligence collection of Qing Dynasty, 2). To know Chinese scholar’s comment on Joseon scholars, 3). Compare the ability in Chinese writing with each other, 4). To retain the interaction between Chinese family and Joseon family.

Ⅰ. 문제제기
Ⅱ. 楡關 秀才 齊佩蓮의 생애 및 조선 사신과의 교유
Ⅲ. 齊佩蓮과 조선 사신의 교유와 그 목적
Ⅴ. 마무리
[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]