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인공습지의 장기운영에 따른 수질정화효율 변동
Variation of Water Treatment Efficiency during Long-term Operation of Constructed Wetland
손영권 ( Son Yeong Kwon ) , 윤춘경 ( Yoon Chun Gyeong ) , 김형중 ( Kim Hyung Joong ) , 함종화 ( Haam Jong Hwa )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003764567

Long-term water treatment performance analysis was conducted for the constructed wetland treating agricultural tailwater. Studied wetland was established in 2001 and operated from June, 2002 to November, 2010. Wetland vegetation cover was shown over 90 % coverage after 2005. According to vegetation development, accumulation of sediment nutrient was observed; Organic Carbon, T-P and T-N. In addition, DO concentration and temperature was decreased in the constructed wetland output. An infiltration rate also significantly decreased due to compaction of wetland soil. A runoff coefficient was increased due to the low infiltration rate after 2005. A T-N, TSS and Chl.a removal rate was maintained constantly. However, the T-P removal rate was slightly decreased along to wetland operation because low DO concentration could increase elution of phosphorus from sediment. After constructing open water, the T-P removal rate was increased. This is because open water could accelerate the reaearation process. Consequently, over three years of vegetation development could be helpful for wetland performance. In addition, DO concentration is important factor to maintain the T-P treatment.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]