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고도를 고려한 공간보간기법이 대유역 강우량 산정시 미치는 영향 연구
A Study of Spatial Interpolation Impact on Large Watershed Rainfall Considering Elevation
정혁 ( Jung Hyuk ) , 신형진 ( Shin Hyung Jin ) , 박종윤 ( Park Jong Yoon ) , 정인균 ( Jung In Kyun ) , 김성준 ( Kim Seong Joon )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003764456

This study was conducted to identify the effect of lapse rate application according to elevation on the estimation of large scale watershed rainfall. For the Han river basin (26,018 ㎢), the 11 years (2000-2010) daily rainfall data from 108 AWS (Automatic Weather Station) were collected. Especially, the 11 heavy rain and typhoon events from 2004 to 2009 were selected for trend analysis. The elevation effect by IDW (Inverse Distance Weights) interpolation showed the change up to +62.7 % for 1,200~1,600 m elevation band. The effect based on 19 subbasins of WAMIS (Water Resources Management Information System) water resources unit map, the changes of IDW and Thiessen were -8.0 % (Downstream of Han river)~ +19.7 % (Upstream of Namhan river) and -5.7 %~+15.9 % respectively. It showed the increase trend as the elevation increases. For the 11 years rainfall data analysis, the lapse rate effect of IDW and Thiessen showed increase of 9.7 %~15.5 % and 6.6 %~9.6 % respectively.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]