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최적화 기법을 이용한 임하호유역 대표 CN값 추정
Regionalization of CN values at Imha Watershed with SCE-UA
전지홍 ( Jeon Ji-hong ) , 김태동 ( Kim Taedong ) , 최동혁 ( Choi Donghyuk )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003764370

Curve Numbers (CN) for the combination of land use and hydrologic soil group were regionalized at Imha Watershed using Long-term Hydrologic Impact Assessment (L-THIA) coupled with SCE-UA. The L-THIA was calibrated during 1991-2000 and validated during 2001-2007 using monthly observed direct runoff data. The Nash-Sutcliffe (NS) coefficients for calibration and validation were 0.91 and 0.93, respectively, and showed high model efficiency. Based on the criteria of model calibration, both calibration and validation represented ‘very good’ fit with observe data. The spatial distribution of direct surface runoff by L-THIA represented runoff from Thiessen pologen at Subi and Sukbo rain gage station much higher than other area due to the combination of poor hydrologic condition (hydrologic soil C and D group) and locality heavy rainfall. As a results of hydrologic condition and treatment for land use type based on calibrated CNs, forest is recommended to be hydrologically modelled dived into deciduous, coniferous, and mixed forest due to the hydrological difference. The CNs for forest and upland showed the poor hydrologic condition. The steep slope of forest and alpine agricultural field make high runoff rate which is the poor hydrologic condition because CN method can not consider field slope. L-THIA linded with SCE-UA could generated a regionalized CNs for land use type with minimized time and effort, and maximized model's accuracy.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]