Effect of rice straw mat and wood shaves on the reduction of runoff and nonpoint source (NPS) pollution loads from field plots were experimentally studied. Three runoff plots of 5×22 m in size and 3 % in slope were prepared on a loamy sand field. Each plot was equipped with a flume to measure runoff and collect water samples. Experimental treatments of surface cover were bare, wood shaves (1,000 kg/ha) and rice straw mat cover (3,000 kg/ha). Under radish was cultivation. During the growing season of the radish, three rainfall-runoff events were monitored. Effect of wood shaves and straw mat cover on runoff reduction was 4~30 % and 33~75 % respectively compared to control. The effect on NPS pollution reduction was 36.8 and 64.3 % in BOD, 41.1 and 80.8 % in SS, 34.0 and 56.1 % in TP and 28.0 and 56.6 % in TN respectively. It was analyzed that the reduction of runoff and NPS pollution were mainly contributed by the decrease of rainfall energy impact and flow velocity and the increase of infiltration due to the surface cover materials. Rice straw mat showed very stable soil cover while large portion of wood shaves were lost during heavy storm events. It was concluded that straw mat was an efficient cover material to reduce NPS pollution from upland fields.