SATEEC ArcView GIS system was developed using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and sediment delivery ratio (SDR) modules. In addition, time-variant R and C modules and R5 module were developed and integrated into the SATEEC system in recent years. The SATEEC ArcView GIS 2.1 system is a simple-to-use system which can estimate soil erosion and sediment yield spatially and temporarily using only USLE input data, DEM, and daily rainfall dataset. In this study, the SATEEC 2.1 system was used to evaluate the effects of USLE LS input data considering slope length segmentation on soil erosion and sediment yield estimation. Use of USLE LS with slope length segmentation due to roads in the watershed, soil erosion estimation decreased by 24.70 %. However, the estimated sediment yield using SATEEC GA-SDR matched measured sediment values in both scenarios (EI values of 0.650 and EI 0.651 w/o and w/flow segmentation). This is because the SATEEC GA-SDR module estimates lower SDR in case of greater soil erosion estimation (without flow length segmentation) and greater SDR in case of lower soil erosion estimation (with flow length segmentation). This indicates that the SATEEC soil erosion need to be estimated with care for accurate estimation of SDR at a watershed scale and for accurate evaluation of BMPs in the watershed.