The objective of this study is to develop evaluation indices which can be applied to analyze rational rehabilitation-policy directions of redundant farmlands. To achieve this objective, the main tasks of this research are 1) categorizing the redundant farmlands rehabilitation types 2) developing the evaluation indices of redundant farmlands rehabilitation 3) determining the weights of each index. The redundant farmlands rehabilitation types were classified into agricultural rehabilitation type, non-agricultural rehabilitation type and hybrid type which are called by agricultural income model, rural environment improvement model and hybrid model as development project name, respectively. The 5 parts and 21 indices for evaluation of redundant farmlands rehabilitation directions were extracted by case studies and experts brainstorming. The weights of each index were determined by Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The developed evaluation indices were applied to study areas located on Yanghwa district of Gongju-city and Aewol district of Jeju-city. From the results of this study, it was ascertained that the evaluation indices developed in this study would help the decision-makers in the planning process of redundant farmlands rehabilitation directions.