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Characteristics of Pollutant Loading in Namdae-cheon Watershed
( Choi Jin-kyu ) , ( Son Jae-gwon )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003763020

Nonpoint source pollutant loading from watershed may cause a problem to the water quality of the reservoir and stream. The characteristics of stream flow and water quality were monitored to investigate the runoff loading of the Namdae-cheon watershed from May in 1999 to October in 2003. Stage-discharge rating curve at the stream gauging site was established, and annual stream runoff of the study watershed was estimated as 499.4∼1,330.8mm during four years. The concentrations of total-nitrogen and total-phosphorus of stream water quality ranged from 0.76 to 6.95mg/L and from 0.0010 to 0.2276 mg/L, respectively, where T-N was generally higher than the water quality standard 1.0 mg/L for agricultural water use. The loads by unit generation of pollutant mass with respect to population, livestock, land use in this watershed were calculated. The runoff pollutant loadings by concentrations of total-N and total-P were estimated during study period, where the annual runoff loading of total-P was much less than the load by pollutant mass unit generation. The relations between stream discharge and water quality were analysed, and there was a high correlation for total-N but low for total-P. These results will be used to develop the monitoring techniques and water quality management system of agricultural watershed.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]