This research was performed to study the actual behavior of 1-2W type pipe greenhouse under the influence of typhoon by measuring the various strains in structural materials. These results can eventually be utilized in the design criteria as well as in the modification of conventional equation for calculating more realistic wind loads.
The first data under the influence of Typhoon Olga arrived in Jinju on Aug. 1999 were obtained by strain gage with 10 sensor points. According to the data obtained, the typical variation of strain depending on wind pattern could be observed. The strains in structural frame were fluctuated very sensitively depending on the direction and magnitude of wind velocity. But some of the data were lost or missed by system's failure. A kind of inherent vibration pattern of greenhouse pipe frame was observed from the plotted data, but this phenomenon is not so clear as to be separated from the overall fluctuation so far.
This experimental research is expected to be continued as a long term project to measure and analyze the strain pattern of structural frame depending on the various locations and section characteristics by way of adopting more efficient instrument with sufficient number of measuring points and accuracy.