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KCI 등재
인공지능 기반 모바일 여행 정보 특성에 따른 소비자 만족 및 행동의도에 대한 연구
Study for mobile travel information search behavior and satisfaction with artificial intelligence
이원석 ( Lee Won-seok ) , 문준호 ( Moon Joon-ho ) , 허준 ( Heo Jun )
DOI 10.31927/asec.14.1.6
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-300-004290373

This research mainly investigated the information search behaviors (convenience, reliability, and rational price) and intent of action (satisfaction and repurchase action) of participants. For the data collection, we surveyed the participants who experienced artificial intelligence system to attain travel information. The number of observation is 114 and multiple regression analysis was conducted. The results indicated that convenience and reliability are statistically essential element to account for the satisfaction in the context of information on artificial intelligent mobile travel. This study also found the positive association between satisfaction and repurchase intention.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]