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잣나무림에서의 시기별 토층별 토양수분 특성분석
Analysis of Soil Moisture Characteristics in Nut Pine Forest about Seasons and Soil Layers
홍은미 ( Hong Eun Mi ) , 최진용 ( Choi Jin-yong ) , 유승환 ( Yoo Seung-hwan ) , 남원호 ( Nam Won Ho )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003780323

Soil moisture plays a pivotal role in hydrological processes, especially in the forest which covers more than 64% of the national land. Soil moisture was monitored to analyze soil moisture change characteristics in terms of time and soil layers in this study. 2 Years soil moisture change data was obtained from the experimental nut pine forest and statistical analysis including auto-correlation and cross-corelation among soil moisture data from different soil layers was conducted. Using the monitored soil moisture data, a relationship between soil moisture change and precipitation was analyzed and seasonal soil moisture change characteristics were analyzed. From the result of inter-relationships among soil layers in terms of season and time lag, soil moisture change characteristics in the nut pine forest were upper soil layers were much sensitive than lowers, and seasonal variation if soil moisture for upper soil layers were bigger than lowers showing low correlation with precipitation in winter and spring due to freezing and snowfalls.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]