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SWAT 및 HEC-RAS 모형의 수문-수리 연계모델링을 통한 곤지암천 유역의 하천범람 및 토사유출 피해저감 연구 - 2011년 7월 27일 국지성 폭우를 대상으로 -
Study on Damage Reduction by Flood Inundation and the Sediments by SWAT and HEC-RAS Modeling of Flow Dynamics with Watershed Hydrology - For 27 July 2011 Heavy Storm Event at GonjiamCheon Watershed -
정충길 ( Jung Chung Gil ) , 조형경 ( Joh Hyung Kyung ) , 유영석 ( Yu Yeong Seok ) , 박종윤 ( Park Jong Yoon ) , 김성준 ( Kim Seong Joon )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003779964

This study is to evaluate flood inundation and to recommend measures of damage reduction on sediment by concentrated torrential rainfall at Gonjiamcheon Watershed (183.4 km2). Firstly, the SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) was simulated streamflow and sediment at upstream. Then, we produced a map of floodplain boundary by using HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System) at downstream. The SWAT model was calibrated with 2 years (2008~2009) daily streamflow and validated for another years (2010~2011. 7. 31). The SWAT model was simulated with 3 years (2008~2010) by monthly water quality (Sediment) at Gonjiamcheon water quality station. The streamflow and sediment from SWAT model were input as boundary conditions to HEC-RAS. The results of HEC-RAS indicated that mapping of floodplain boundary was Jiwol and Jiwol 2 district. Additionally, inundation area and depth were assessed and applied BMPs scenario for managing the sediment yield.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]