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인공신경망 이론을 이용한 소유역에서의 장기 유출 해석
Forecasting Long-Term Steamflow from a Small Waterhed Using Artificial Neural Network
강문성 ( Kang Moon Seong ) , 박승우 ( Park Seung Woo )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003779166

An artificial neural network model was developed to analyze and forecast daily steamflow from a small watershed. Error Back propagation neural networks (EBPN) of daily rainfall and runoff data were found to have a high performance in simulating stremflow. The model adopts a gradient descent method where the momentum and adaptive learning rate concepts were employed to minimize local minima value problems and speed up the convergence of EBP method. The number of hidden nodes was optimized using Bayesian information criterion. The resulting optimal EBPN model for forecasting daily streamflow consists of three rainfall and four runoff data (Model34), and the best number of the hidden nodes were found to be 13. The proposed model simulates the daily streamflow satisfactorily by comparison compared to the observed data at the HS#3 watershed of the Baran watershed project, which is 391.8 ha and has relatively steep topography and complex land use.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]