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채만식 문학의 '세대' 문제 일고
A Study on the Subject of generation in the Chae, Man-sik's literatures
임명진 ( Lim Myung-jin )
건지인문학 vol. 21 141-169(29pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-000-003678089

The aim of this paper is to examine the subjects of generation successions in the literary works of Chae, Man-sik. The Chae's works abounds with the generation motives. In order to explain the generation motives, I am willing to borrow a term, namely, 'meme' that conceptualized by Richard Dawkins. I think, 'Meme'is a useful term to overhaul the subject of the generation succession in Chae's works The generation motives in Chae's works are represented on the following fives aspects, i.e. ① discontinuations of the 'meme', ② complications and discords between the old/new generation, ③ isolations of the 'meme', ④ possibilities of the new 'meme', and ⑤ strengthening of the old 'meme'. The time backgrounds of the works (that represents the generation motives) are 'Japanese colonial period' or 'Liberation years'. These backgrounds are available for understanding the generation succession and motives. The subjects of generation exhibit historical questions. In the Chae's works, the historical problems in Japanese occupational years' or 'Liberation years' express the unfairness of the old generation. The writer Chae, in the main works, bitterly criticizes the problems of the old generation. But, he clearly does not present a prospection of new generation. Just at this point, the nihilistic consciousness of the writer Chae are revealed.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]