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한강 「채식주의자」 속 이미지 연구 - 폭력적 이미지를 중심으로
A Study on Images of Han, Kang`s 「The Vegetarian」 - Focusing on the Violent Images
김용남 ( Kim Yongnam )
한국문화기술 vol. 24 7-31(25pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-800-003739749

If images are powers that drive the changing reality, not their reproduction or copies, and exercise to experience sympathy, the viewpoint of this article is that studies on images must be done to be more than studies by reproduction of things or reappearance of consciousness. For this article, Chapter II examines how images appear and how characters are changed by powers of the images, Chapter III explains characters’ various characteristics with twofold characteristics of images. Through them, the study tries to explain the point that images are power that drives narratives beyond the rhetorical and symbolic levels and main exercise that changes characters’ behaviors in 「The Vegetarian」. Images in the world of 「The Vegetarian」 do not stay at reproduction (represente) of the reality or copy (摹寫). The images are strong power that derives the changing reality and sometimes, the reality itself. It is useless to discuss the reality and its reproduction in the world of this novel. If the images divide, capture, and accept the connected word through instant images, the images do not copy the world but capture slices of the world. Therefore, the images are not illusion, fakes, and copies. So to speak, the images are not the In other words, the images cannot be the entire part of the existence (Substance) but they can be part of it. This article begins from the perception that the point shown in the world of 「The Vegetarian」 is this fact. The methods that we can understand the characters whose real life is dramatically changed by fantastic and unrealistic dreams and images can be created when there is the perception that reality and dreams are not different from each other. 「The Vegetarian」 shows that the images which represent dreams and fantasy can actually drive us by the more powerful force than those of reality. The world of 「The Vegetarian」 crosses the boundary of all types of division into two parts (二分) like Yeong-hye who is between the boundary. The level of fasting (無食) beyond meat eating and vegetable diets, the level of life beyond men (Animals) and women (Plants), the level of images beyond dreams and reality, the level of violence beyond doing harm (Predation) and damage (Being preyed). Going beyond all these levels of division in two parts does not mean deception or concealment of somethings (For example, violence). This article tries to look at it differently through discussions of binarity, for example, patriarchal violence, the fixed perception of animal nature (Meat eating culture) and vegetable property, the definition of typical personality of characters, and the concept that the images are expanded by causes and effects of accidents. And this study tries to examine the system of the images shown at the level of action and reaction among the characters beyond the study on the images that stay at the material/symbolic level through it.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]