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학술적 에세이 코퍼스를 기반으로 한 한국 대학생과 영어 원어민 대학생의 관계대명사의 사용 비교
A Corpus-based Analysis of Relative Pronouns Used in Academic Essays by Korean and American College Students
배소영 ( Bae Soh-young ) , 이은주 ( Lee Eun-joo )
DOI 10.22275/SEE.23.1.08
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-300-004198123

The present study investigates whether Korean college students are using two specific relative pronouns, which and that, similarly to American college students. In particular, the analysis examines the tendency of using each relative pronoun in their writing and comparing each group’s usage tendency in order to suggest some implications and guidance of corpus-based instruction. For this purpose, the study analyzed 445 Korean students’ academic essays and 224 American students’ essays. The results of this study are as follows. First, Korean and American students used that more than which in their writing. However, the gap between the numbers of each relative pronoun was greater in American essays. Second, there was a statistically significant difference in choosing relative pronouns that and which depending on antecedents. American students generally distinguished the relative pronouns systematically according to antecedents while Korean students did not. In terms of articles used with antecedents, Korean students did not demonstrate any easily defined tendencies except that they distinguished the use of relative pronouns with a definite article. Lastly, both Korean and American essays showed a preference for choosing relative pronouns according to syntactic structures. The study suggests that corpus-based analysis and instruction are essential not only for the learning processes but also for directing what students will ultimately learn.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]