This study was to evaluate the feasibility of pre-consolidation pressure distribution characteristic of western and southern coastal region, using correlation of unconfined compressive strength and preceding research equation. Pre-consolidation of western and southern region showed similar trends undrained shear strength and pre-consolidation pressure in proportion to unconfined compressive strength. Predicted results of U.S. NAVY. (1982) equation revealed a small error western 9.7 % and southern 0.4 %. Prediction correlation results of pre-consolidation using unconfined compressive strength revealed an error western 16.8 % and southern 0.7 %. It was reported that less than 20 percent of pre-consolidation pressure prediction result of Casagrande forecasting error. Estimates of pre-consolidation pressure are possible, before the standard consolidation test, because it was reported that less than 20 % of the forecasting errors of Casagrande.