Streamflow is composed of baseflow and direct runoff. However, most of streamflow during dry seasons depends on baseflow. Thus, baseflow analysis is very important to simulate streamflow of dry seasons. Generally, baseflow analysis is conducted using watershed-scale runoff models due to diffilculty of measuring baseflow. However, it is needed to understand and review how the model simulates baseflow because each model uses inherent baseflow analysis techniques. In this study, SWAT, HSPF, PRMS-IV were reviewed focusing on baseflow and soil water. HSPF and PRMS-IV calculate baseflow using the variables which depends on user, so the baseflow analysis results of HSPF and PRMS-IV are not consistent. Moreover, soil structures which were assumed from HSPF and PRMS-IV, since these two models assume soil structure as two soil zones and three conceptual reservoirs, were not enough to describe real soil structure. On the other hand, baseflow in SWAT is calculated using baseflow recession constant which can consider the characteristics of aquifer and also, soil structure in SWAT is similar to real soil structures. Thus, baseflow analysis result from SWAT was concluded as the most suitable and reliable model because SWAT can reflect the characteristics and soil structure which is close to reality.