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KCI 등재
WRF 기상자료의 토양수분 모형 적용을 통한 밭 토양수분 및 필요수량 산정
Estimation of Soil Moisture and Irrigation Requirement of Upland using Soil Moisture Model applied WRF Meteorological Data
홍민기 ( Hong Min-ki ) , 이상현 ( Lee Sang-hyun ) , 최진용 ( Choi Jin-yong ) , 이성학 ( Lee Sung-hack ) , 이승재 ( Lee Seung-jae )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003775653

The aim of this study was to develop a soil moisture simulation model equipped with meteorological data enhanced by WRF (Weather Research and Forecast) model, and this soil moisture model was applied for quantifying soil moisture content and irrigation requirement. The WRF model can provide grid based meteorological data at various resolutions. For applicability assessment, comparative analyses were conducted using WRF data and weather data obtained from weather station located close to test bed. Water balance of each upland grid was assessed for soils represented with four layers. The soil moisture contents simulated using the soil moisture model were compared with observed data to evaluate the capacity of the model qualitatively and quantitatively with performance statistics such as correlation coefficient (R), coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean squared error (RMSE). As a result, R is 0.76, R2 is 0.58 and RMSE 5.45 mm in soil layer 1 andR 0.61, R2 0.37 and RMSE 6.73 mm in soil layer 2 and R 0.52, R2 0.27 and RMSE 8.64 mm in soil layer 3 and R 0.68, R2 0.45 and RMSE 5.29 mm in soil layer 4. The estimated soil moisture contents and irrigation requirements of each soil layer showed spatiotemporally varied distributions depending on weather and soil texture data incorporated. The estimated soil moisture contents using weather station data showed uniform distribution about all grids. However the estimated soil moisture contents from WRF data showed spatially varied distribution. Also, the estimated irrigation requirements applied WRF data showed spatial variabilities reflecting regional differences of weather conditions.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]