The Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have several advantages over conventional RS techniques. They can acquire high-resolution images quickly and repeatedly. And with a comparatively lower flight altitude i.e. 80~400 m, they can obtain good quality images even in cloudy weather. Therefore, they are ideal for acquiring spatial data in cases of small agricultural field with mixed crop, abundant in South Korea. This paper discuss the use of low cost UAV based remote sensing for classifying crops. The study area, Gochang is produced by several crops such as red pepper, radish, Chinese cabbage, rubus coreanus, welsh onion, bean in South Korea. This study acquired images using fixed wing UAV on September 23, 2014. An object-based technique is used for classification of crops. The results showed that scale 250, shape 0.1, color 0.9, compactness 0.5 and smoothness 0.5 were the optimum parameter values in image segmentation. As a result, the kappa coefficient was 0.82 and the overall accuracy of classification was 85.0 %. The result of the present study validate our attempts for crop classification using high resolution UAV image as well as established the possibility of using such remote sensing techniques widely to resolve the difficulty of remote sensing data acquisition in agricultural sector.