Development of the economic methods and the design of the standard sections needs the more project fund and land than ever leads to the objection of enlarging canal arrangement to need economic construction method development and standard design for supporting it.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of selected sediment reduction methods to reduce sediment discharges from drain and irrigation of different land types (Mountain, Flatten, Reclaimed land).
This study was carried out to analysis for the soil loss and sediment of drain and irrigation by comparing RUSLE method and amount of sediment from amount of dredging data of Korea Rural Corporation. The results of study were analyzed and summarized as follow.
Size of soil sediment from the upper region of drain and irrigation of mountains bigger than lower region. But in case of flatten and reclaimed land, size of soil sediment from the upper and lower region of drain and irrigation did not classified. In case of comparison drain and irrigation without classifying of land type, size of soil sediment from irrigation is bigger than drain.