This study presents a system dynamics modeling approach to simulate daily streamflow in a watershed including wastewater treatment plant which contributes to irrigation water supply. The conceptual system dynamics model considering the complex and dynamic hydrological processes in the watershed was developed. The model was calibrated and validated each for two years based on observed flow data. Model performances in terms of ENS, RSR, PBIAS, and R2 were 0.64, 0.60, -3.6 %, and 0.64 for calibration period, and 0.66, 0.58, -2.6 %, and 0.66 for validation period, respectively, showing an applicability on generating the daily streamflow. System dynamics modeling approach could help better understand the hydrological behavior of the watershed being reused wastewater for agriculture, by providing graphical dynamics of the hydrological processes as well as conventional rainfall-runoff model results.