This study was performed to evaluate the engineering properties of cement mortar brick with loess and fly ash. The unit weight was in the range of 2,068∼2,137 kgf/m3 and 1,899∼2,045 kgf/m3 in water and dry curing, respectively. It was decreased with increasing the loess content. The absorption ratio was in the range of 5.2∼13.1% and 8.5∼13.2% in water and dry curing, respectively. The compressive strength was decreased with increasing the loess content. The compressive strength of the 193 kgf/cm2 in water and 188 kgf/cm2 in dry curing at the curing age 28 days of the binder volume ratio 35% was exceeded in 163 kgf/cm2 of standard compressive strength about cement bricks. The carbonation depth was in the range of 0.9∼1.4 mm, 1.2∼3.6 mm, 1.4∼6.7 mm and 2.4∼12.5 mm in dry curing of curing age 14days, 28days, 90days and 360days, respectively.