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단일저수지 농업가뭄평가모형의 개발
Development of A Single Reservoir Agricultural Drought Evaluation Model for Paddy
장민원 ( Jang Min Won ) , 정하우 ( Chung Ha Woo ) , 최진용 ( Choi Jin Yong ) , 박기욱 ( Park Ki Wook ) , 배승종 ( Bae Seung Jong )
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-500-003773811

This study aimed to develop an agricultural drought assessment methodology for irrigated paddy field districts from a single reservoir. Agricultural drought was defined as the reservoir storage shortage state that cannot satisfy water requirement from the paddy fields. The suggested model, SRADEMP (a Single Reservoir Agricultural Drought Evaluation Model for Paddy), was composed of 4 submodels: PWBM (Paddy Water Balance Model), RWBM (Reservoir Water Balance Model), FA (Frequency and probability Analysis model), and DCI (Drought Classification and Indexing model). Two indices, PDF (Paddy Drought Frequency) and PDI (Paddy Drought Index) were also introduced to classify agricultural drought severity. Both values were divided into 4 steps, i.e. normal, moderate drought, severe drought, and extreme drought. Each step of PDI was ranged from +4.2 to -1.39, from -1.39 to -3.33, from -3.33 to -4.0 and less than -4.0, respectively. SRADEMP was applied to Jangheung reservoir irrigation district, and the results showed good relationships between simulated results and the observed data including historical drought records showing that SRADEMP explains better the drought conditions in irrigated paddy districts than PDSI.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]