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일회성 혈류제한 저항성 운동이 성인남성의 대퇴둘레, 젖산, CK 및 산화스트레스에 미치는 영향
Effect of Acute Resistance Exercise with Different Level of Blood Flow Restriction on Acute Changes in Muscle Thickness, Blood Lactate, CK, and Oxidative Stress in Male Adults
김태호 ( Tae-ho Kim ) , 이상현 ( Sang-hyun Lee ) , 김양중 ( Yang-jung Kim ) , 김수진 ( Su-jin Kim ) , 강주희 ( Ju-hee Kang ) , 곽효범 ( Hyo-bum Kwak ) , 박동호 ( Dong-ho Park )
운동과학 27권 1호 50-61(12pages)
UCI I410-ECN-0102-2018-600-004233153

PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of low-load resistance exercise (RE) with intermittent blood flow restriction (BFR) on the muscle thickness, blood lactate, creatine kinase (CK) and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance (TBARS) levels in male. METHODS: The study included 10 male college students aged 23.5±1.0 years who underwent the following experimental protocols in random order on separate days (72 hour): 3 sessions at a 30% one-repetition maximum (1RM) RE with BFR (individual systolic blood pressure, 150% systolic blood pressure and 200% systolic blood pressure); 1 session at 60% 1RM RE without BFR (CON). The thigh circumference, TBARS and CK levels were measured before exercise (pre-exercise) and post-exercise and lactate, heart rate (HR), systolic (SP) and diastolic blood pressure were measured pre-, post-exercise, 5-, 15- and 30-minutes recovery. RESULTS: Thigh circumference significantly increased following 30% 1RM with SP (p=.10) and SP 200% (p=.36) BFR compared to 60% 1RM without BFR but there was an increasing tendency in 30% 1RM with SP 150% (p=.83) BFR. Additionally, there were significant increases in TBARS (p<.05) and CK (p<.05) in the all protocols post-exercise samples compared with the pre-exercise samples but no significant group (p=.113, p=.870, respectively) or interaction (p=.385, p=.132, respectively) effect. CONCLUSIONS: 30% 1-RM with BFR may effectively increase the circumference of the thigh muscle compared to 60% 1RM without BFR. Although both 30% 1RM with BFR (SP, SP 150%, SP 200%) and 60% 1RM without BFR temporarily increased TBARS production and CK, It does not cause damage.

[자료제공 : 네이버학술정보]