The purpose of this study is to investigate the Korean students' learning strategies used for learning English in digital language learning environment and analyze the interrelations between their use of learning strategies and individual learner variables such as gender, grade, proficiency level, and English learning experience. The participants of the study were four hundred seventeen students selected from two public high schools located in Chungnam area. A questionnaire was developed to examine the use of digital English learning strategies based on Oxford's(1990) SILL and distributed in a pencil-and-paper form. Data collected from 417 participants were statistically analyzed, and the findings are as follows. First, the most frequently used strategy category was compensation strategies, and memory and metacognitive strategies were used in the order. Second, most learner variables included in this study showed statistically significant relationships with digital learning strategy use, but social strategies did not show significant relationship with gender, grade, and the period of English learning. From these findings, the study concludes that the understanding learning process in a digital English learning context is very critical to make students strategic learners and eventually to develop students' digital literacy ability. The suggestions and implications for the further study are presented.